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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Meditation: A Compass and a Path

An Interview With Dr. Paul R. Fleischman which gave answers to following questions.
  • How would you define meditation?
  • Can you share what the purpose of meditation is from your perspective?
  • The common perception of meditation is that it is a very personal experience, and in recent times the emphasis seems to be on its utilitarian value. What are your thoughts?
  • Can you say more about these moral attitudes?
  • Can this skepticism actually play a helpful role in one's progress?
  • What is the role, then, of logic vs. inner experience?
  • What is the role of detachment in meditation? How does detaching help us become generous?
  • Can you start by describing what actually happens when someone tries to meditate?
  • So then how does watching that kaleidoscopic activity help you engage more effectively with life?
More information:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/viral-mehta/what-is-meditation-_b_1366194.html