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Monday, June 12, 2006

Where management meets Vipassana : SCMHRD Director’s interview

According to Director Prof KS Subramanian, SCMHRD differs from other b-schools of its league in that it looks upon students as individuals who are giving a last shot at professional education in their life.

“It is not going to happen that these students will go back to organized learning on a two year basis again in their lives. Having said that, we want to build as many competencies as possible in them and contribute talented individuals to the society and industry,” says Prof Subramanian.

Perhaps the most talked about dimension of SCMHRD is its stress on spiritual learning and yoga, Vipassana sessions and a strict code of conduct on campus. Mobile phones are banned on campus and there are strict restrictions on public display of affection. Prof Subramanian strongly advocates these rules.

“You have come here to learn in a personal teaching environment. Why carry a mobile phone and let yourself and others be disturbed? It frustrates the teachers also disturbs others.”

Read more: http://www.pagalguy.com/?p=396