
For more information about Vipassana, please visit www.dhamma.org

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey tried the meditation craze that requires no sex, drugs, or talking for 10 days

Over the holidays, dual-CEO Jack Dorsey took a break from running Twitter and Square to try a silent meditation known as Vipassana for 10 days.

Vipassana — an ancient Buddhist meditation technique that frequently involves 10 days of silence — is gathering fans in Silicon Valley. The practice aims to calm and focus the mind through a strict code of silence and promises increased awareness, self-control, and peace. In a tweet, Dorsey revealed that he carried out the practice over Christmas and New Year's.

jack dorsey tweet vipassana meditation

"Just finished a 10 day silent meditation. Wow, what a reset! Fortunate & grateful I was able to take the time," Dorsey wrote on Twitter.

Silicon Valley goes all in
The Bay Area Vipassana Trust organizes the largest annual retreat in the US with over 240 participants, and is working to establish a center in Silicon Valley. Karen Donovan and her husband, Tim, have been teaching classes in Goenka's tradition for more than 20 years and oversee the non-profit group.

"Most people come to our courses because they're seeking some kind of peace of mind, some perspective on the things that are making them unhappy in their lives," Donovan told Business Insider. She added, "people who just want to learn to meditate" can find instruction elsewhere.

Full article: http://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-ceo-jack-dorsey-does-vipassana-meditation-2018-1

More info: http://www.dhamma.org/

California centers:

  1. California Vipassana Center, North Fork, CA
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DhammaMahavana
  2. Northern California Vipassana Center, Kelseyville, CA
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DhammaManda
  3. Southern California Vipassana Center
  4. The Bay Area Vipassana Trust