If I knew how tough it was going to be, I would have chickened out, but my friend said, “Think of it as a slow dance with silence.” With that thought in mind, I checked into the meditation center in a rural area about six km from Pallavaramon a sultry Wednesday evening and surrendered my phone, my wallet and myself for ten days.
For ten days, I see-sawed between silence and pain, the pleasant and unpleasant, and I did what I was asked to do — observe. The last morning, we were getting ready to go back to the real world; a world of noise, phones, emails, texts, arguments and the constant struggle of just trying to get by. My mind felt as if it had been put through a washing machine and all the muck had been cleaned out.
I looked around to say goodbye to silence, my elusive dance partner, and I couldn't find her. It took a while to realize that she was with me. At the end of ten days, I realized that the dance and dancers had become one.
Complete Article: https://www.thehindu.com/features/metroplus/vipassana-meditation-is-a-boot-camp-for-the-mind/article7645474.ece
More Info: http://www.dhamma.org/