15 Crazy Things People Ask You When You're Going For Vipassana
Vipassana meditation is a secular meditation technique based on the principles of Gautam Buddha. Vipassana courses are taught all over the world at various meditation centres at 10-day camps. The camps are pretty intense, and the meditators have to observe noble silence for 10 days (which means no form of communication at all) and continue meditation from 4:30 AM to 9:00 PM, following a strict schedule of sattvik diet and no food post 5:00 PM. Being a Vipassana meditator is difficult enough but sometimes, answering people's ridiculous questions when they realize where you're going, is tougher!
1. And you got leave?!
2. But what problems can you have in life?
3. Can you stay alone that long?
4. How will you survive without your phone or the internet?
5. Aren't you too young for such things?
... and more.