
For more information about Vipassana, please visit www.dhamma.org

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas in Java: Meditation in Klaten

Nothing could be further from the hubbub of western festive excess than a silent Vipassana retreat in Java

I’m in Klaten, an unexceptional town in central Java, the unlikely backdrop for my first Vipassana (“insight”) meditation retreat. Buddha brought this ancient Indian technique back into vogue 2,500 years ago. From the mid-1970s, Satya Goenka, an Indian-Burmese businessman-turned-meditation master, sparked another renaissance, establishing 120 retreat centres in 80 countries, all run entirely by donation.

The idea of Vipassana is to lead a monastic life for 10 days, observing silence and directing one’s attention inward. There are about 30 of us, but with not a word passing between us, Christmas cheer isn’t on the agenda.

I leave Klaten with a sense of lightness and clarity. Two months on and the feeling faded. But I determined to meditate daily – that feels like a new year’s resolution worth keeping.

More info: http://www.java.dhamma.org/indexeng.htm

Saturday, May 24, 2014

What is Vipassana Meditation? - Benefits of Vipassana Meditation

You have the power of experiencing yourself subjectively – you have the power of healing and destroying. Using your power for healing will backfire and bring you only happiness.

And what is so perfect about this, is that meditation is not based on any dogma or religion. You can practice meditation without interfering with any of your other habits. You can do it anywhere, at any time, for how much you like. In fact, I can guarantee that you will feel so good, that you will not want to stop.

The healing of the mind is accessible and universal. Think of it like medication. You see? They even sound almost the same – medication helps you heal your physical body, and meditation helps you heal your spiritual body – your mind, your soul. They are both scientifically proven, only on different levels.  Also, the only side effects of Vipassana meditation may include: peace, harmony, compassion, joy and happiness.

Full article: https://www.curejoy.com/content/what-is-vipassana-meditation-benefits-of-vipassana-meditation/

More info: http://www.dhamma.org/