
For more information about Vipassana, please visit www.dhamma.org

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Introduction to Vipassana Meditation

For those who are not currently familar with the ancient technique of Vipassana Meditation, its non-sectarian nature and its benefits, a video discourse approximately 17 minutes in length is available for viewing in both English and Hindi languages.  

A short video with subtitles in multiple languages that consists of a series of interviews with Vipassana students. They talk about how they first came to a Vipassana course, and what the practice of Vipassana has meant to them in their lives. The title of this film is "Practicing Vipassana: Meditator Experiences". The interviews were conducted of students from various countries and were recorded at the Italian Vipassana Center.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Life Out Loud: Sometimes You Need to Shut Up [Video]

Think meditation is only for monastic types? The kind of people who chant "Hare Krishna" as they dance about in their orange robes? So did I. Until I really tried it, that is.

In the fall of 2007, I attended my first 10-day silent Vipassana meditation retreat. Find out what happened -- and why you should do one, too -- by watching my 5-minute Ignite talk:

Watch video: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/meimei-fox/vipassana-meditation_b_868335.html