Going into the Vipassana, I had very strong opinions about relationships, about routine and contentedness, about personal freedoms and morality. Driving away on day 10, I felt completely detached from so many of these perspectives I’d built my identity upon but it didn’t feel like a loss. It felt like the beginning of a new education.
I had uncovered some deep patterns that begged for my breaking. I wanted, for the first time ever, to confront my aversion with routine and address my insatiable craving for newness and amplification of experience. I had clarity and perspective to challenge my opinions on modern relationships. And I felt inspired by the subtleties that live within that same cup of coffee we taste every morning, the familiarity and comfort of the touch that connects us to those we care about, the frigid winter air we dread confronting, the smile we share from neighboring porches, the frustrations and grudges we nurture, and the range experiences, however mundane they may feel, that make us human.
Complete article: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-26886/i-meditated-for-105-hours-over-10-days-heres-what-it-taught-me.html
Northwest Vipassana Center: http://www.kunja.dhamma.org/
More info: http://www.dhamma.org/