
For more information about Vipassana, please visit www.dhamma.org

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Know thyself

Vipassana is a method of introspection that is more about doing and experiencing than talking or telling. When I try to write about it, I become acutely aware of the shallowness of my words.


The obvious result is the readiness for acceptance. The moment to moment acceptance of reality through introspection results in improved relationships, increased efficiency, positive thinking, positive living, and a better ability to deal with everyday stress. It makes us the master of our emotions, our deeds, and of our lives as a whole.

Complete Article:


More info: http://www.dhamma.org/  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Remembering S.N. Goenka

We join our palms and say goodbye to a teacher who had an immense impact on the world. S.N. Goenka was a pioneer in making  Vipassana meditation widely available to a secular audience. Over 170 meditation centers have been established around the globe under his auspices. His legacy will resound indefinitely. 

By learning to remain balanced in the face of everything experienced inside, one develops detachment towards all that one encounters in external situations as well. However, this detachment is not escapism or indifference to the problems of the world. Those who regularly practice Vipassana become more sensitive to the sufferings of others and do their utmost to relieve suffering in whatever way they can not with any agitation, but with a mind full of love, compassion, and equanimity. They learn holy indifference-how to be fully committed, fully involved in helping others, while at the same time maintaining the balance of mind. In this way, they remain peaceful and happy while working for the peace and happiness of others.

Complete article: https://www.shambhala.com/remembering-s-n-goenka/

More Info: http://www.dhamma.org/ 

Monday, October 14, 2013

An accidental journey into insight meditation

The first time I learned about SN Goenka and Vipassana meditation, I was a clueless backpacker staying in a hippie retreat on the Thai-Myanmar border. A woman arrived at the retreat a few days after I did. During a conversation with her I noticed her eyes looked so peaceful, so happy, that I could not stop staring. Partly it was admiration, but I was also more than slightly jealous.

Why didn’t I have that? I did yoga. I was nice to people (most of the time). I wanted that calm, that joy. What was it? Where could I get it?

So, I asked: “Why are you so happy?”

She explained that she had just finished a 10-day course of silent meditation. At that time I had no idea about meditation. I also doubted that I could be silent, even for an hour. But still, she tore off a small section from a nearby piece of paper and wrote down a website – www.dhamma.org. “When you are interested,” she said, “check it out.”
Which is probably why when I first heard the news of his death this week I was not at all sad, just curious as to what he experienced before passing on, and what all that meditation and merit will mean for those of us left behind. His passing made me reflect on my own journey through Vipassana, on how much further I have to go and how little it is that I know. Some of my happiest and most hopeful moments have occurred while sitting silently in some of the many meditation centers Goenka has left behind, listening to his deep, kind voice encourage me, and all the other meditators, to “just remain aware, just remain aware” – to never get discouraged or depressed if the meditation is not going well, and most of all to never give up.

Rather, as Goenkagyi would say, simply “start again”.

Complete article: https://www.mmtimes.com/national-news/8470-an-accidental-journey-into-insight-meditation.html

More Info: http://www.dhamma.org/ 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Annica, Goenkaji

Goenka was a worldly man and taught a straight-ahead Dhamma, perfect for Westerners, using science and common sense and lots of good humor. He used to say, “I’m not teaching Buddhism. I’m teaching the art of living.”

He had an interest in theater and happened to have a lovely baritone voice. I will never forget listening to Goenka singing Buddhist chants to us in the early morning and evening, many of the melodies composed by Goenka himself. I can hear his voice mixing with the tinkle of rickshaw bells and the cries of street vendors just outside the Vihara.

Goenkaji’s love of the Dhamma was palpable, and we trusted him, and practiced hard with him, and under his kind gaze we also fell in love with the Dhamma. Although like many of us who attended those first retreats with Goenka, I went on to study with other teachers, I will always remember scanning my awareness through my body, focusing on the ever-changing physical sensations as Goenkaji chanted to us “Annica! Annica!” (Impermanent! Impermanent!) I will also remember his sincerity, his wonderful laugh, and his admonishment to us at the close of every sitting: “Be happy! Be happy!”

Goenkaji was a true master of the Dhamma, and his presence will be missed in the world.

Full article: http://www.wesnisker.com/annica-goenkaji/

More info: http://www.dhamma.org/

Friday, October 4, 2013

Who was Vipassana guru S N Goenka

The late Vipassana guru S N Goenka

In 1955, Satyanarayan Goenka was a successful businessman based in Burma. In his own words, fortune had sided with him and by the age of 31, he had already been the president of the Burmese Chamber of Commerce. It was at this time that he started contemplating what he could do to rid himself of the painful migraine attacks from which he had been suffering for 20 years.


Goenka never charged a dime for the course, a policy, he reasoned, aimed at spreading knowledge and its benefits to all not making it a commodity that could be paid for and afforded only by those who have the money. He also remained certain that his path was but one of many to the truth, and therefore, worked to eradicate sectarian divisions based on fragile ideological differences.

Complete article: http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/who-was-vipassana-guru-s-n-goenka/1177878/0 

More Info: http://www.dhamma.org/ 

Who was Vipassana guru S N Goenka

Throughout his career as a teacher, Goenka emphasised the important place Vipassana had in the teachings of Buddha, calling it the gateway to Dhamma, or virtue. His opinions and convictions were also at odds with the proclaimed Buddhists of the age, as he was against the practice of rites and rituals that he thought were unnecessary in religious life. Neither did he consider Buddha a god, but an enlightened superhuman who grasped the nature of the universe and of the human. Similarly, he rejected idolatry and glorification of the teacher as a supreme being, and considered the subject of his teaching and its faithful, continued practice as serving the right end.

The Vipassana practice itself is based on the idea of carefully scanning the surface of the body with one's attention and observing the sensations with equanimity, becoming progressively more aware of their ever-changing nature. To investigate and advance the technique, Goenka founded the Vipassana Research Institute at Igatpuri. This organisation conducts research and has a regular publication record.

Goenka never charged a dime for the course, a policy, he reasoned, aimed at spreading knowledge and its benefits to all not making it a commodity that could be paid for and afforded only by those who have the money. He also remained certain that his path was but one of many to truth, and therefore, worked to eradicate sectarian divisions based on fragile ideological differences.

Full article: http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/who-was-vipassana-guru-s-n-goenka/1177878/0

More info: http://www.dhamma.org/

Honoring a Great Meditation Master’s Passing

In every generation, there are a few visionary and profound masters who hold high the lamp of the Dharma to illuminate the world. Like the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh, Ven. S.N. Goenka, was one of the great world masters of our time. Brilliant and charismatic, tireless advocate for the transformative power of meditation practice, supporter of retreats encouraging hundreds of thousands to have a direct experience of wisdom, founder of 172 meditation centers worldwide, and man of virtue, samadhi and understanding, Goenka has passed away at age 90.

He always taught meditation as an inner exploration, urging students to simply “Come and see for yourself”. Born and trained in Burma, Goenka was an inspiration and teacher for Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg, Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, and many other western spiritual leaders.

His style of Vipassana practice, awareness of the breath and mindful awareness of the vibrations and energy field of the body brings deep understandings of impermanence, inner purification and freedom. This practice has been used in health care, prisons, schools businesses and meditation centers across the globe.

From Spirit Rock and the whole movement of the Dharma in the west we offer bows of gratitude and respect for all he has offered, prayers of blessings for him and continuing appreciation for all who follow his example in Dharma practice and selfless service.

Read Full article: https://web.archive.org/web/20150403233924/https://jackkornfield.com/s-n-goenka-honoring-a-great-meditation-masters-passing/

More info: http://www.dhamma.org/

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Great Meditation Teacher S.N. Goenka: A Student’s Appreciation

Much of what passes as Buddhism in the West today is little more than commercialized pop psychology. In contrast, Goenka, a successful Indian businessman and a student of the Burmese teacher Sayagyi U Ba Khin, established a global network committed to serious meditation, strict moral discipline and free of charge to all comers. Drawn from the Theravada Buddhist tradition, Goenka’s teaching provides an entirely secular and non-sectarian approach to human liberation. Despite the rigorous schedule, the demand for his 10-day silent retreats and the longer advanced courses continues to increase. Under S.N. Goenka’s auspices, the Vipassana Association has established nearly two hundred meditation centers, and more are being planned, including one in the mid-Atlantic United States. Goenkaji also established the Vipassana Research Center in India to advance the study of Buddhist philosophy and Pali, the language of the Buddhist texts. However, like the Buddha, he approached liberation primarily through bhavana or meditation rather than intellectual study.

S.N. Goenka passed away on 29 September 2013 at the age of 89. May he attain the peace of Nibbana.

‘Whatever is subject to origination all that is subject to cessation’- The Buddha

Full article: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/asoka-bandarage/the-great-meditation-teac_b_4027077.html

More info: http://www.dhamma.org/

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How Goenka led others from bondage to liberation

The guy must have had a pretty big mind. That was the conclusion I reached at the end of my first "Goenka retreat" a few years ago.

Why? For all the self-torture I went through over 10 days _ among Thai meditators, "Goenka" has been synonymous with an extremely rigorous regimen _ the unfolding of sensations and inner discoveries seemed...

How S.N. Goenka Changed My Life—And the Lives of Millions More

S.N. Goenka, who died on Saturday, embodied the teachings of the Buddha, yet insisted on a completely inclusive approach. We could use a man like him right now, writes Sharon Salzberg.

I met Goenka-ji in January 1971, when I entered a 10-day intensive meditation retreat he guided. I hadn’t meditated before for one single second. Goenka-ji himself fascinated me. He seemed so … whole. It didn’t look like he was shaped by the expectations of others. He talked freely about pain and suffering, yet seemed so happy. He posited a world where we grow closer to one another through our shared vulnerability to change and loss. He so much embodied the ancient teachings of the Buddha, yet insisted on a completely inclusive, secular, contemporary approach. The first night of the retreat he said, “The Buddha did not teach Buddhism, he taught a way of life.”

Full Article: https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-sn-goenka-changed-my-lifeand-the-lives-of-millions-more

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vipassana proponent Acharya S.N. Goenka passes away

Padma Bhushan awardee and proponent of Vipassana meditation, Satya Narayan Goenka, passed away on Sunday night at his Andheri residence.


SN Goenka was largely responsible for reviving and popularising the ancient practice of Vipassana meditation. Through his simple yet riveting discourses and writings, he explained how Vipassana could benefit individuals and societies in attaining inner peace and harmony. In his demise, we have lost a great teacher and a noble soul,” said K Sankaranarayanan, governor of Maharashtra, in a press statement.

Complete article: http://paper.hindustantimes.com/epaper/viewer.aspx?issue=87332013100100000000001001&page=6&article=b74ed15e-be9c-4ac8-9190-ae4be4ccec4b&key=MB7cf7n984o6fYCuuMj1Fw==&feed=rss 

Vipassana guru S N Goenka dies

Renowned spiritual leader and Vipassana guru Satya Narayan Goenka died due to old age on Sunday night. He was 89. The funeral is scheduled for Tuesday.

Goenka, who was conferred the Padma Bhushan for social work last year, started teaching meditation to the public in India in 1969. In 1976, he set up the Vipassana International Academy — also known as Dhamma Giri — in Igatpuri, about 200 km from here in Nashik district.

Besides India, Vipassana centres have come up in countries like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, the United Kingdom, Japan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar and Thailand under his guidance.

More info: http://www.dhamma.org/

S. N. Goenka, Pioneer of Secular Meditation Movement, Dies at 90

S. N. Goenka, leader of an enormously popular worldwide insight meditation (Vipassana) movement, died on September 29 of natural causes in Mumbai, India. He was 90 years old.

Goenka’s transformation of vipassana into a standalone movement has had a profound effect on general conceptions of Buddhist practice in the modern world. By presenting meditation as a universal art of living, Goenka enabled practice to further permeate societies as a secular technique, especially in Europe and North America. His later efforts, such as founding a research institute to study vipassana’s social effects and, in 2002, touring 35 North American cities to spread the word about meditation, further reinforced the popular message that meditation is nonreligious. His practical presentation has influenced many, particularly in the West, to see vipassana as essentially about one’s current life and how it is lived.

Goenka’s view of vipassana as an art of living extends to the very end of life, for to learn how to live is to learn how to die: “Vipassana teaches the art of dying: how to die peacefully, harmoniously. And one learns the art of dying by learning the art of living: how to become master of the present moment.”

Goenka is reported to have passed away peacefully in his home. That his life ended in such an everyday setting fits with his vision of meditation. “When your own death comes, observe it, at the level of sensations,” writes Goenka. “Everyone has to observe one’s death: coming, coming, coming, going, going, going, gone! Be happy!”

Full article: https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/s-n-goenka-pioneer-secular-meditation-movement-dies-90/

More info: http://www.dhamma.org/