
For more information about Vipassana, please visit www.dhamma.org

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Experience with Vipassana Meditation

Many friends are curious about my 10-day meditation experience. Some of them even worried that I would become a nun after these 10 days.

10 days of meditation? What do you do besides meditation? Just sit and meditate the whole day? And you can’t talk at all in these 10 days? Not even during lunch or dinner?What? You don’t even have dinner? Oh my god… You sure you want to do this to yourself? Girl, you will go crazy… (and on and on my family and friends worried…)

Read more: http://traveloncloud9.wordpress.com/2008/01/29/my-personal-experience-with-vipassana-meditation/

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Vipassana Brings Peace And Self-knowledge

To say that economic progress does not necessarily bring about a corresponding increase in happiness is to state the obvious. But the reasons for this are not so obvious. Whenever we experience agitation, frustration and disharmony, we tend to look for their causes outside of ourselves or in some instances we tend to even blame ourselves. In either case there is lack of objectivity.

Further, whenever we become un-happy, we spread our unhappiness to the environment and to others. The Buddha observed this phenomenon objectively. In the process he discovered a technique that brought peace and harmony to its practitioners. The technique, Vipassana, was based on truth as revealed to oneself and thus free from any dependence on others' imposition or biases. Because of its scientific nature, it appeals to many across countries for centuries after Buddha taught it.

Read more: http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2008-01-09/holistic-living/27780481_1_vipassana-buddha-happiness